First appeared: Meet the Beatles For Real. Sara Schmidt. November 22, 2022.

Another person with a strong Beatles connection has recently passed away. Journalist Ed Rudy died on November 7, 2022. Ed traveled along with The Beatles during all the stops during their first trip to the United States in February 1964. He interviewed them along the way and made two very well-known records of those interviews. Just about every Beatle fan in the United States had at least one of those Ed Rudy records because you got to hear their actual voices! That was gold to a fan during that time, especially since A Hard Day’s Night hadn’t been released quite yet — this was the first opportunity many fans had to really hear The Beatles accents and speaking voices. (besides the short news clips of the press conference they might have seen on T.V.).

Ed Rudy made another record following the first North American tour in 1964. Until a few years ago, Ed Rudy was a major presence on Facebook in Beatles groups — he was typically selling his CDs (what used to be the records had been upgraded to CDs). But he also took the time to answer questions. I did a short interview with him during the 50th anniversary of the Beatles coming to America, and he was very nice to answer my questions and had a good memory of what was happening.
While Ed Rudy isn’t a significant player in the Beatles story, like so many people, their paths crossed, and he used that to further his career. And who could blame him? Many fans recall his records with great fondness. Much sympathy goes out to his family and friends.
If you follow the “Ed Rudy” tag, you can read some of what he wrote about the Beatles in fan club newsletters in the 1970s.
#GoldenAge60s * TheBeatles * #EdRudy